
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus ac odio dignissim, sagittis felis sed, mattis lorem. Fusce consectetur neque vitae urna iaculis, sit amet mollis felis molestie. Proin eget dolor a ex suscipit dictum ac sit amet urna. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse quam felis, varius id venenatis nec, scelerisque a diam. Sed bibendum ultricies massa, eget aliquet nunc eleifend sed. Duis rutrum ligula quam, at varius nisi semper et.


We would like to welcome all company drivers to Shark Freight, Inc. Our recruitment team is always scouting for new drivers to join our growing team, and keeping our brand new trucks on the road. We offer dedicated freight lanes, home time guaranteed, and top notch pay.


If you are interested in becoming an owner operator for Shark Freight Logistics, Inc. you are at the right place. We offer all options to all drivers looking to become owner operators, offering our services in making sure you pick the perfect option guaranteeing your success with our company.

Carrier Sales Rep

We are welcoming carrier sales representatives to join our growing team and helping us service our customers through strategic sales activities, managing freight from pick up to delivery, negotiating freight rates, building strong relationships with customers and finally step in on the decision making process making sure we secure business and keep our outstanding team growing.

What can we do for you?

Would you like personal advice or an offer? We are available by telephone for all your concerns.

Feel free to give us a call: